Health Lab
The “Wikiguideline” approach establishes recommendations only when high-quality, hypothesis-confirming evidence is available.
Health Lab
U-M Health canceling surgeries, reducing transfers due to high volume of COVID cases.
Health Lab
He couldn’t feel the wounds open on his sides. Without surgery he would be permanently bed-bound.
Health Lab
Regional hospitals unite to strengthen emergency response plans for children impacted by such crises as a pandemic, hurricane, flood or mass shooting.
Health Lab
There's an extra "song" after Hail to the Victors that you can delete. And I think you can delete 'properly' before "use hand sanitizer" . is thatenough?
Health Lab
The spread of COVID-19 is an evolving situation. Learn what you can do to protect against coronavirus.
Health Lab
As the recent coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, continues to develop, Michigan Medicine experts share what we know so far, and provide helpful context and facts for this evolving situation.
Health Lab
Study finds less invasive tests could still detect serious infections in infants.
Health Lab
After spending nearly three weeks trapped in a cave, the rescued soccer players and their coach face a tough yet hopeful road to recovery.
Health Lab
Preparedness stocking stuffer ideas include sterile gauze, medical tape, & antiseptic wipes. See more ideas in our list of first aid stocking stuffers.
Health Lab
A recent study found that one in four seniors had superbugs on their hands after leaving the hospital. The solution: hand washing. Learn more about the study.
Health Lab
Parents who delay or skip childhood vaccinations even when kids have no medical reasons are contributing to U.S. outbreaks of measles and whooping cough.
Health Lab
A study done at a PAC facility in Southeast Michigan revealed that one in four seniors is bringing along stowaways from the hospital to their next stop.